July 30, 2008

doctors again... (13 days)

So yesterday my mom noticed another toe that has turned on me. so this morning we had to go in so the doctor can move it back into place. i took a shower and we left right away. The doctor told me that the toes can move because the bones have not "set" yet, and i totally understood. i realize how major toe shortening surgery really is! He turned the toe back, and it wasn't painful. and i was watching because I'm not scared anymore. and i have learned to love my toes (and the pins =) )

Today I'm very excited my mom went to blockbuster and got me 3 movies and a Wii game!!!

-Hook (captain hook)
-Bee movie
- Wii trivia ( it's really hard questions!!)

Right now I'm going to watch Hook!

talk to you later!!!

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