July 19, 2008

2nd night...

last night.. my 4th toe hurt again! i couldn't even sleep. i was exhausted and all night i kept waking up. plus it was thunder storming outside so i couldn't even sleep. i woke up every hour and my toes were hurting me that i forced myself to fall back asleep.

i finally woke up around 9:30 this morning and my mom came in and told me to come downstairs. she gave me my crutches and walked downstairs. because I'm so weak and tired i hurt my big toe because i leaned right on it. it hurt so bad i had a tear in my eye! i couldn't even walk so i had to call her back upstairs and she had to help me sit down so i can just scoot to the bathroom.

my dad had to carry me downstairs. and I'm now coloring, online, and watching Jerry McGuire. later on ill take a shower... i cant wait!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bad mom you have! not even to help you out of bed!! You should move out of the house asap.:)